This poem is representative of the journey of life and many options that we face throughout our life where we have to make choices one over another. The road mentioned in this poem is actual and figurative. The poem is movingly lyrical and symbolically rich and one of most cherished poem. The speaker ends on a nostalgic note, and wonders how different things would have been if he had chosen the other path. The poet says that he will go on telling this incident with a sense of sadness in the times to come. Yet he knew that one road leads mysteriously to another, and, therefore, he was not sure if he would return to travel the other road or not. The poet sadly chose the second one and kept the first one reserved for some other day.

And both the roads that day looked fresh and untrodden, for the leaves of grass were standing erect. Although, keeping that thing apart, both the roads were almost identical, for both were equally trodden. Then the poet took the other road, which was equally fair and clean, and which had perhaps a better claim, since it was covered with grass and lacked foot-mark. For a long time he stood there and watched one of them, as far as he could, to the farther end where it took a curve towards the brushwood. Two roads went in two different directions in a pale forest, and the poet felt sorry that he could not take both the roads being one traveler. The speaker happens to meet a junction in the road while walking through a yellow woods.